Managing Bipolar Disorder
Updated: Dec 21, 2023
In September 2013, about 30 years after my Bipolar I Disorder diagnosis in 1982, I developed a working Bipolar Management Plan which I've modified as needed. My basic premise was
I can gradually develop coping strategies and a lifestyle
that minimize my bipolar symptoms.
I think everyone could benefit from developing an individualized plan, even if they haven't been diagnosed with a mental illness, addiction, or behavior disorder. I attribute following my plan, as closely as I could, during my complete isolation during the 2020 COVID-19 quarantine, as keeping me from having a bipolar psychotic episode. I needed no psychiatric interventions at all.
You can read my personal plan in the section "About Me." You would make your own, but I included mine as a sample guideline.
Remember, both physical and mental health are health issues we ALL need to monitor and manage.
Ruth Ann Manning
In 2022 I learned about the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) developed by Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD and a group of people who suffer from mental health issues, in NAMI's book
you are not alone by Ken Duckworth, (New York: zando, 2022), pp. 43, 68-69, 315-317.