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NAMICon 2023 Express Talk

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

I was chosen to submit an Express Talk for the Online NAMICon 2023 virtual conference.

On March 9, I received an email from NAMI's Chief Operating Officer, Seán Stickle:

Ruth Ann Manning, PhD,


Your NAMICon Express Talk proposal — Avoiding Transference for Mental Health Behavior by EMS, Hospital Staff, and Law Enforcement — is amazing.

We got nearly 800 proposals this year (a record!), and yours stands out.

We’d love you to feature your talk as part of NAMICon Online 2023 (June 6–8).

My son John and I submitted this video.

This is the proposal I submitted.

Avoiding Transference for Mental Health Behavior by EMS, Hospital Staff, and Law Enforcement


The inability to recognize, stabilize, triage, and manage the treatment of someone in a mental health crisis can result in a misdiagnosis, and in the worst case, even death. I will describe some of my transference encounters with early responders (emts/paramedics, police officers, etc.) and treatment providers (physicians, nurses, and other medical staff) during my more than a dozen severe manic psychotic episodes requiring hospitalization in the 40 years since my bipolar I diagnosis.

Cultural Diversity

I will compare and contrast the transference responses for my psychotic encounter with a local police officer with that for a young black female six months later who lived just five miles away. She was naked and wielded a dangerous knife, and was shot and killed by a 23-year veteran police officer.

Session Structure

*My Successful Life and Career Compared Side by Side With My Mental Health History Timeline *Mental Health Transference and Disparities in Treatment, Especially of Marginalized Racial/Ethnic Groups *How I Kept My Sanity Living in Total Isolation During the 2020 Covid-19 Quarantine


Culture and Identity in Mental Health

Session Type

Express Talk


  • Individual living with a mental health condition

  • Mental health professional


Ruth Ann Manning, PhD



I've been hospitalized over 12 times with manic psychosis since my Bipolar I Disorder diagnosis in 1982, the most recent being in 2018. I'll discuss several examples of transference experiences where justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) are lacking. In 1995, several police officers broke into my house, handcuffed me, beat me with a billy stick, and took me by force to a private hospital where I was housed in a wire cage, because the local state institution wouldn't accept me.


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